
knots and responsibility

Human beings are amazing.
living intelligence
flesh and blood thought.

But they can really
drive me crazy
Well, almost

Their thoughts are like
big balls of knotted yarn
And somehow I'm responsible
to unknot them
Somehow I'm responsible to
sort things out
and makes things clear

I'm the Interpretor
And I don't want to do that anymore
I'm really tired of all that
the responsibility
It's not fun anymore
if it ever was

I just want to take my ball
and go home
and shut the door

For good

Untying endless knots for the knotters
Trying to fix all the boo-boos
Yeah, I'm gonna lay down that heavy load, Lord
I ain't gonna carry it anymore
I don't want the responsibility
I can't take the responsibility
it's crushing me

I just want to BE
I want to be a dreamer
I want to be an 'artist'
I want to be a 'dancer'
I don't want to be God anymore
I don't want to be The Keeper of the Knots

So here, God, here's the ball of yarn
with it's endless, endless, endless knots
Here, You take it, it's all Yours
I need a break
I need to breathe
because no one can buy
a stairway to heaven

I don't want to think anymore
I don't want to try and figure anything out
I don't want to ponder, question, wonder
I don't want to investigate, analyze, sort, categorize, file-ize
I'm so very very tired of all of that
Endless mazes filled with endless questions

I guess as long as I have THE question settled
all the rest really doesn't matter all that much

I just want to REST and RELAX and BE
for awhile
Rest and relax and be.... mmm, yes
I really like the sound of that
Yeah, I really like the way that makes me FEEL

Ha, maybe it's called death?
Yeah, maybe
Death to Adoring, life to God

It's clear I definitely need to learn
how to just SOAK and BE
and leave the rest to Him
all the endless questions
where they're safe and sound

No more thinking
more absorbing
more be-ing

Lay it down
lay it down
lay it all down