

The ultimate manifestation of humility isn't us being desperate for His love as much as it's us EXPERIENCING His love and knowing that not only did we do absolutely nothing to deserve it, but we had absolutely nothing even to do with it. He loves because He IS love.

Love HAS to have an object. And, therefore, it has to have an objective.

And my..... it is soooooo wonderful. :)))))))))


we all need love

Does God love all His children? Of course He does. God has no 'favorite' children. In His eyes we are all loved equally.

But that doesn't mean we're perfect. Oh no. I'm sorry to say. Not by a long shot.

Though He IS perfecting us. Each and every one. Though the pain that sometimes enters our lives might make it look like 'being perfected' is the last thing that's happening. But sometimes pain is exactly what He must use to soften our hearts to Him.

Our need for love is bottomless. Our need for love is fathomless. But only He is bottomless and fathomless. ALL other sources of love will 'dry up' sooner or later... usually closer to sooner than later. ;)

So tap in on the bottomless, fathomless One, beloved children of God. Tap in on the only Source of love that will never disappoint or 'betray'. The only source that never fails. That never gives up on us. That never turns its back on us. That never leaves us or forsakes us. The love of God through Jesus Christ the Lord.


my fantasy

My fantasy for my family is that we'd be in a 'family business' together. And each morning before we began our work we would ask God's blessing on our day and on the work of our hands. And we would do our work with cheerful hearts and peaceful minds. And at the end of the day we would share a simple meal together with love and gratitude. And then we'd get out our instruments and sing and dance before the Lord until it was time for bed.

And there would be certain times set aside during the week when we could share what was on our hearts and minds. And to pray.

And we would learn and live and grow together, and we'd be a blessing to each other and the world.

That's my fantasy for my family.