
can you feel the draw

Can you feel it
Can you feel the draw

Can you feel his heart

Can you feel his heart
reaching out for you
on wings of an eagle
as a mother reaches out
for her beloved children

Can you feel his love
calling you
caressing you
washing over you
healing you

Can you

Can you see his eyes
blazing with fiery passion
for you

For your love
For your embrace
For your all

Can you see his lips
the lips whose only desire
is to kiss your heart
with his heart
to kiss your mind
with his mind

kiss YOU

Can you see his hands
the hands who long
to hold your tender
unprotected heart
in warm, safe
healing love

To restore you
strengthen you
make you whole

Can you see them

Can you see the Lord
the King of kings
bow himself down
and slip the fragile slipper over
your cinderella toes

Can you

Yes, you can


my guts

My guts aren't very pretty
are they
after all
they're guts

Guts of pain
guts of fear
guts of anger


Yes, hatred

Hating the pain
the fear
the anger

and the need
especially the need
always, the need

the need that
claws at me
at my guts
like a depraved


Needing you
Hating you
Needing me
Hating me?

My guts
aren't very pretty
are they

No, they're not
they're not at all

Are yours


God doesn't think I'm great

God doesn't think I'm great.

Isn't that great?!

No? Yes... it is!!!! It really is! It's GREAT!

No expectations and demands from God to BE great. Me being great isn't even an issue to Him. Because He knows there's nothing in me that has even the slightest, most minutest ability to be great.

All I can be is His. That's it. And He loves me.

You see, it's not about me being great and deserving anyone's love. It's about Him loving me just because. Just because He does!

Wow, what a relief. Does that feel great or what?