
you'll never walk alone

There's an assault on humanity waged by unseen forces. An assault I've been trying to believe didn't exist except in the imaginations of the superstitious. But the interesting thing is, if you believe it exists it makes things simpler. Not easier, maybe, but no more difficult... and much simpler. Knowing who the enemy is makes everything simpler. 'We fight not against flesh and blood'... why can't I get that through my thick skull (and heart) once and for all?

Unseen forces of hatred, envy, jealousy, pride, arrogance, lust, greed... all the myriad forms of corrupt and perverted human nature... are ever-waiting and ready to strike on a moment's notice. All they need is an opening. Now all I have to do is learn how they operate... what the openings are, how to see them, close them.

If we're not in love, we're open to anything. If we're not in Christ we're open to anything. I can't expect those who aren't in Christ to not be open. That's suicide... for me. ;P I need to be like a coalition soldier in Iraq. They can't trust anybody who looks like a possible terrorist or terrorist pawn... and that means everybody. Men, women and children. No one can be trusted.

So why do I trust? Why do I open my heart over and over and over again? Am I crazy or something? This has to stop. Not the love, but the trust. I can't trust you. I can only trust Jesus. Sigh. Yeah, that's true. Only Jesus.

What's real and what isn't? Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man. That's what I feel like I'm doing most of the time. Playing children's games. Now you see me, now you don't. Is my reality really real? If not, I don't want anything to do with it. I want the real, Lord. Only the real. Please remove... deliver me, from all the rest. The lies, the game-playing. The pretense. The show. And awaaaaay we go, folks. Not. Not any more. I can't do the show any more. I hate the show.

Don't walk alone, Adoring, don't walk alone. You've been walking alone too much of the time... in your own heart, your own understanding, your own reality. Unless you CROSS OVER into My Reality you'll always be alone. And when you're alone you're open to the enemy's attacks.